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8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
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Frequently Asked Questions - Obstetrics

What medicines can I take?

What are the warning signs of pregnancy?

What are some common problems experienced during pregnancy?

How much weight gain can be expected?

Can I eat meat, fish and poultry?

Can I drink or use any drugs when I’m pregnant?

Can I smoke?

Why do my gums bleed?

Is it safe to travel?

Should I exercise?

Can I have sex?

Are Hot Tubs Safe?

Is Caffeine Safe?

Can I Change My Cat's Litter Box During Pregnancy?

Can I Have Dental Work Done?

Can I Color My Hair While Pregnant?

Can I use a tanning booth?

What types of tests are going to be performed during the pregnancy?

What medicines can I take?

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What are the warning signs of pregnancy?

The important warning signs of pregnancy are:

If any of these occur please contact the office immediately. <Back to Top>

What are some common problems experienced during pregnancy?

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How much weight gain can be expected?

The weight gain recommended during pregnancy is generally 20-30 pounds. However, this can be different for each individual. As everyone is different you should discuss your particular situation with your doctor. <Back to Top>

Can I eat meat, fish and poultry?

Meat, fish and poultry are all part of a healthy diet but you should make sure they are well cooked. However, fish and shellfish all contain traces of mercury which may be harmful to a baby’s developing nervous system. Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should avoid shark, swordfish, mackerel and tilefish. Limit other seafood including canned tuna to 2 servings per week. <Back to Top>

Can I drink or use any drugs when I’m pregnant?

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Can I smoke?

Smoking harms your baby! Women who smoke during pregnancy have a greater risk of smaller babies, premature births, miscarriage, stillbirth, and increased respiratory problems in the baby after birth because smoking interferes with the oxygen and nutrient supply. In addition, the fetus is exposed to carbon dioxide, tar, and nicotine. Some studies show an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in babies exposed to cigarette smoke during pregnancy. There is recent evidence linking smoking to learning disabilities and growth retardation. <Back to Top>

Why do my gums bleed?

Your gums may bleed more easily when you are pregnant. This is because of the increased blood supply to the oral tissues during pregnancy. You should brush at least twice daily using a soft toothbrush and also floss once a day.

You should continue routine dental care during your pregnancy but you must inform your dentist that you are pregnant. They will need to know this so that they can use the correct anesthetic and take the necessary precautions for X-rays. <Back to Top>

Is it safe to travel?

Travel by any mode of transportation is considered safe up to the seventh month of pregnancy. Eat healthy snacks and take along lots of water to drink. If traveling by car, you should stop every 1 to 2 hours and stretch your legs. Always use seat belts, and place the lap belt low on the abdomen. After the seventh month, check with the office before traveling. <Back to Top>

Should I exercise?

Regular exercise is important. Walking, swimming, cycling, and prenatal exercise classes are all recommended. Swimming is safe during pregnancy as long as your bag of water is not leaking. Low impact aerobics are an excellent way of exercising during pregnancy and classes are available in the community.

You may continue normal sports activity although you should keep your heart rate under 140 (take your pulse for 6 seconds, multiply by 10). Do not exercise lying flat on your back after 16 weeks of pregnancy. If any activity causes you pain you should discontinue it immediately. Be sure to discuss specific sports activities with your physician.

Exercises that are not recommended during pregnancy are snow or water skiing and horseback riding. <Back to Top>

Can I have sex?

Unless you’ve been told to refrain or there is a specific problem with the pregnancy, such as bleeding, leaking bag of water, or preterm contractions, sexual intercourse is safe during pregnancy. It may be necessary to experiment to avoid discomfort. If intercourse is painful or causes bleeding or prolonged contractions (it is normal to have some contractions following intercourse), please talk with your physician or midwife. <Back to Top>

Are Hot Tubs Safe?

There is some controversy about the safety of hot tubs during pregnancy so you should avoid them during the first three months of your pregnancy. During the second and third trimesters you should limit your time to less than 10 minutes and never have the water temperature above 105 degrees. You should also get out very slowly since dizziness may occur. You should also avoid a tub bath where the water is so hot that your skin becomes reddened and you become dizzy when you stand up. Water this hot raises the core temperature of your body and is not healthy for your baby. <Back to Top>

Is Caffeine safe?

Caffeine, in moderation, is safe. Moderation is considered two or fewer caffeine containing beverages per day. If a mother drinks more caffeine, the baby can be born with a caffeine addiction. This addition will interfere with sleep patterns and eating during the first weeks. Beverages that contain caffeine include coffee, tea, chocolate and many carbonated soft drinks. <Back to Top>

Can I Change My Cat's Litter Box During Pregnancy?

You should avoid changing the kitty litter if at all possible since cat bowel movements may contain a parasite that can cause a serious infection. These infections can lead to birth defects. If you have to change the litter, use rubber gloves, wear a mask and wash your hands afterward. You should also wear gardening gloves when digging in the dirt in an area the neighborhood cats may use as a kitty litter box. <Back to Top>

Can I Have Dental Work Done?

Dental work is okay when you are pregnant, but you should make sure the dentist knows you are pregnant. If they take x-rays you should be covered with a lead drape. <Back to Top>

Can I Color My Hair While Pregnant?

As long as you have your hair colored, highlighted or permed in a well-ventilated room it is safe. However, due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy you hair is unlikely to react in the same way as it did before you became pregnant. <Back to Top>

Can I use a tanning booth?

Pregnancy is not a reason to stop using a tanning booth. However, as skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer with more than a million new cases every year we recommend that you do not use them. All medical practitioners recommend you use a sun screen when outdoors whether pregnant or not.

If you have any questions about what someone may have told you please do not hesitate to call the office and ask to speak with a nurse. There are many myths and wives tales concerning pregnancy that are untrue. <Back to Top>

What types of tests are going to be performed during the pregnancy?

Routine Testing – we do the following tests during your first visit:
The following tests are offered later in the pregnancy:

Non-Stress Test - An external fetal monitor is placed on your abdomen. The baby's heart rate is evaluated with relation to its movements. This test generally takes from 20 to 30 minutes and predicts the baby's well-being inside the uterus. This test may be recommended for a variety of reasons, including:

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